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Brand new
Collection of Shirts, Hats and Beanies

Hot Head Clothing is inspired by my son, Jacob Sebastian Garcia, who was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on October 9, 2012, at the age of 3. From day one of this life changing struggle Jacob has been a strong inspirational fighter throughout his intense battle with cancer and continues to be throughout his remission treatment not only to me, my wife and daughter but our extended families as well.
Sadly, Jacob is the first child of our families to be diagnosed with cancer, and hopefully the last. After being so blessed with having twins, boy and girl, we were thrilled and overwhelmed seeing relatives, friends and strangers congratulating us and complimenting how beautiful they were. We enjoyed the positive attention, the twins especially; they couldn’t get enough of the happy smiling faces greeting them. After Jacob was diagnosed, we started to notice a change in the gestures we received, it became awkward. What were once loving smiles and “what beautiful babies”, are now long stares & negative remarks from people near and afar. Then he started getting fingers pointed at him due to having to wear a mask and not to mention increased weight gain caused by his steroid treatments but even at age 3 he understood the negativity given by others because he looked “different”. As his parent I could see he started to feel insecure and embarrassed about his appearance.
Jacob’s journey with cancer has inspired me to create a clothing line, "Hot Head Clothing". Kids with cancer have to get a painful surgery that involves getting a chest port. At times it gets embarrassing having to take off their shirt to get access for chemo. With these custom made shirts, nurses can access the port without the embarrassment. Just zip down the zipper. With Hot Head Clothing I want to convey the thought “yes, I am sick but I am no different”. The phrase “Hot Head” will portray I'm a fighter, I'm tough and I'm not afraid to tell you, even though I'm bald I still have a HOT looking HEAD. We will brand custom made zip-down t-shirts as well as beanies, masks, hats, hoodies, tank tops and t-shirts with messages relating to cancer with eye catching designs. As a big thank you to all of the organizations that helped and supported us in our time of need, a portion of the proceeds will go to them also childhood cancer research...Please help us find the cure for cancer.
Every year 15,780 kids will be diagnosed with cancer in the U.S.
1 in 300 boys and 1 in 333 girls will be diagnosed before their 20th birthday Every day 7 children will die from cancer
Side effects of treatment can last a lifetime

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